Experts in metal derivatives trading for over 100 years

Working with AMT will help to streamline your company risk management strategy and smooth the way towards a more efficient, effective way of doing business. We can give you a new agility that will help you to become more competitive within your industry.

Latest Insight

AMT Insight – Base metals: Algo signals and momentum modelling

24 July 2024: Base metal prices are driven by a combination of fundamental and technical drivers. One important part of technical analysis is to understand and predict market momentum. In this piece we set out our method for back testing and modelling momentum, looking at all the popular models used in financial markets, including MACD, […]

July 25, 2024 - Dan Smith

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Latest News

AMT have moved!

AMT’s new offices Salesforce Tower Lobby AMT are excited to announce that we have moved to a brand new office located on Level 35, in the Salesforce Tower, 110 Bishopsgate. Our phone numbers will remain the same. This move is part of  our commitment to provide a better work environment for our staff along with […]

January 31, 2024 - Carly Hughes

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Custom Solutions for Physical Hedgers, Funds and Financial Institutions of all Sizes Globally

AMT works globally with companies of all sizes, from small scrap dealers to large international financial institutions. We provide a multilingual service from offices in London, Shanghai and Singapore. Our solutions are tailored to clients utilising metal derivatives for hedging or investment purposes.

Discover Who We Serve

Expert Broker and Dealer in Metal Derivatives

AMT has traded metal derivatives for over a century. Our clients benefit from our team’s many decades of combined experience trading metal futures and options. Additionally, as an AMC Group company, we are proud to maintain strong links with the physical metals industry.

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Providing a Range of Support Tools To Augment Our Core Trading Service

AMT provides a comprehensive array of tools to augment our core trading service. This includes online electronic trading and market intelligence platforms to enhance client trading capabilities and decision-making. Clients can use our secure online platform to access and review live data on their trading and account activities.

Explore Our Digital Services

Guiding Clients on Their Journey from Trade Strategy Formation to Trade Execution

AMT provides a comprehensive end-to-end trading service. This includes competitive dual-capacity execution services across the LME Ring, electronic and inter-office markets. We also offer arbitrage trading capabilities across LME, COMEX and INE exchanges. In addition, AMT clients have access to unique market insights, online tools and extensive post-trade support.

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