AMT Insight – Base Metals: Russian sanctions reverberate

Copper LME Primary Aluminium Russia

25 April 2024: Base metal prices have soared in the past month, with additional sanctions on Russia combining with improving fundamentals. The LME was forced to act twice in April to impose restrictions on Russian metal deliveries and then to tighten rules around rent-sharing deals to maintain liquidity. This has created a confusing picture of […]

April 29, 2024 - Dan Smith

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Aluminium: Supply Shocks Shift Sentiment

China Primary Aluminium Russia

11 January 2024: The LME three-month aluminium price is up 6% in the past month, making it the best performing base metal during this period. Market fundamentals are supportive, with SHFE prices trading at a premium to the LME and the raw material market tightening, due to problems with bauxite supply in China and Guinea. […]

January 11, 2024 - Dan Smith

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