14th September 2023: LME three-month aluminium prices tumbled in the first half of this year, but the fall was halted in Q3 and we expect…
September 22, 2023
2nd August 2023: Base metal prices have a close relationship with LME net speculative positions. Tracking these speculative flows helps to explain why markets are…
August 2, 2023
14th July 2023: LME base metal prices showed mixed trends in H1 2023. While tin prices jumped, the rest of the complex retreated. Headwinds are…
July 14, 2023
15th May 2023: Base metal prices have diverged so far year, as fundamental drivers have started to reassert themselves. In particular, tin was supported by…
May 15, 2023
Copper prices have fallen in recent weeks, as financial markets have started to worry about the impact of rising US interest rates and the ripples…
March 22, 2023
31st January 2023: Last year was a weak period for most of the base metals and prices trended lower through the year, although nickel was…
January 31, 2023
12th December 2022: Tin prices have rallied in recent weeks, as LME speculators have gone from net short to net long. Like other base metals,…
December 12, 2022
25th November 2022: Base metal prices have rallied in recent weeks with PMI survey data for November suggesting some improvement in Europe and the USD…
November 28, 2022
Base metal prices have rallied in recent weeks and copper prices have jumped, despite the backdrop of weakness in global manufacturing and continued lockdowns in…
November 11, 2022